A Plate of Pandemic

Header plates

Creativity in Times of Crisis

The Earth Remembers Her Teenage Years

How many times she almost destroyed herself,

How she was nothing but molten, constantly

flaring, combustible–

How she just kept erupting

under the weight of her own gravity


How alone she felt in what she thought was the darkness

between herself and the galaxy that birthed her,

without even the moon yet for company…


How she beckoned every rock hurtling through space

to make a home of her

How she cratered, even as she became more solid

and cooled… eventually


How slow it had all felt then, those millennia

which now seem only an instant, looking back

in awe of herself, of that unquenchable fire

still buried deep in her core


How she watches us, the life she brought forth

despite everything

How she forgives our own endless thrashing

How she wishes (knowing already) it could be easier

Jane Muschenetz
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