“…Inside the museums, infinity goes up on trial…”
— Bob Dylan, Visions of Johanna
Voila second shot gets jabbed
into left arm deltoid muscle
so our last year’s interminable
fear begins to recede a bit
as I thank the concerned nursing
aide who’d administered
before under breath Hallelujahs!
which somehow seem
both show-offy not knowing either
if maybe inappropriate
given circumstances of others down here
in makeshift garage
clinic or probabilities that current Moderna
vax might in fact
be out of date to deal with mutations facing us
But then when
on drive home Louvre visits/ picking own produce
finally surface.
Inside my body’s constant immune-battles increasingly
are lost as
we age eventually become unwinnable. I’m happy to muster
a bee-bite
now at sore injection site like skinny kid proud of puny biceps.
- Phase ∞ Clinical Trial - December 1, 2021