A Plate of Pandemic accepts submissions, via Submittable, of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and art throughout the year for online publication. We believe that creativity responds to crisis in interesting and unusual ways, and we look for writing and art that convey this. While submissions need not directly address the Covid-19 pandemic, we are interested in work that says something about this moment, about life in a pandemic-inflected world, whether metaphorically or directly.
All submissions must be in English and previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are also acceptable so long as we are notified immediately if the manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere. We do not accept children’s literature, science fiction, religious tracts, erotica or pornography. Prose writers may submit one work of no more than 3,500 words; poets, no more than three poems (one page or less per poem); artists (any medium) no more than three photos of one work. Further details are available on our Submittable page.
For other queries, please use the form below.